Monday, October 4, 2010


So, this lady comes into returns wanting a refund on some weather stripping that she bought. Unlike many of our customers, she actually has her receipt. So what could be wrong? She didn't bring the weather stripping with her. Yes, she really was expecting a refund for a product she intended to keep in her possession. When I asked her to explain her logic, she simply stated that she didn't have the packaging that the product came in and that she bought the wrong size. I politely told her that was okay, that we would still give her a refund without the package but that I would definitely need the weather stripping. She got upset and just couldn't understand why I wouldn't give her a refund. Here's a clue people. If you go to your favorite clothing store and buy a shirt, take it home, and then realize it's the wrong you think the store is going to say yes when you go in without the shirt and demand a refund? NO! Also, if you decided to call that store's customer service line and file a complaint, you're a complete ignorant asshole. If I tell you that you can't have something for free I'm not being rude and unfriendly. You are being a rude, arrogant idiot for asking.